After posting the above Instagram video on October 17th complaining of boredom, Sunny started a Q&A session with fans. Over a two and a half hour period, Sunny left 70 answers and comments regarding topics such as school and food.
Sunny: @sonej805 집이어딘데
(Where do you live)
Sunny: @uaholic9 고기!!!!!!!!!!
Sunny: @hoi_yoon 공부하세요
(Please study)
Sunny: @jonji805 왕십리멀어…ㅠ
(Wangsimni is far…ㅠ
Sunny: @ohae721 문단속잘하긔~
(Remember to lock your doors and windows~)
Sunny: @dakgoon 성격더럽죠?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잇힝
(Bad attitude, right?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ehee)
Sunny: 너무빠르면안되ㅠ나휴대폰타자..느려요ㅠㅠ;;
(I can’t do it if it’s too fastㅠ My typing speed on the phone.. It’s slowㅠㅠ;
читать дальшеSunny: @hyunjung_0801 나도아직도못는걸요대학..^^학교가중요한게아니라뭘배우냐.뭘배우고싶냐가중요한거같아요..시간을번거라고생각해보쟈!같이더힘내보쟈!!홧팅
(I still haven’t done university either..^^ I don’t think the name of the place is important, but what you learn, and what you want to learn, is the most important.. Let’s think of it like we’ve earned ourselves more time! Let’s try harder together!! Hwaiting)
Sunny: @shot_js 나그거하면롤폐인될꺼같은디…
(If I do that… I might become a LoL addict…)
(Translator’s note: “LoL” is an online game called League of Legends)
Sunny: @hrong1234 전노래를안가리고막막들어서…아근데지금갑자기 Gravity 가듣고싶네용^^
(I don’t pick out songs and just listen to anything and everything… But suddenly I want to listen to Gravity ^^)
Sunny: @accored 보고싶어요?긴규??ㅋ
(Missed me? 긴규??ㅋㅋ
Sunny: @wlals0007 고기는다좋은데몇일전부터삼겹살땡김…아니정확히제주도흑돼지오겹살원츄…..크으~~!!!!!
(I like all kinds of meat, but the last few days, I’ve been wanting samgyupsal… No, if I’m being specific, Jeju-island black pork. Oh gyupsal, I want chu…..keu~~!!!!!)
Sunny: @sunnynight515 이걸붙잡고있으니까공부가안되지!!얼렁공부해요ㅋㅋ시험공부를열심히해야시험끝나고놀때맘편하지~^^
(You can’t study because you’re occupied with this!! Hurry and study ㅋㅋ You have to study hard for the exam so you can play afterwards without a heavy heart~^^)
Sunny: @s_udong 잡아오면먹어는주지~:p
(If you catch it and bring it for me, I will eat it for you~:p)
Sunny: @xxxleejinu 끝난게아니라느려서그래요ㅋㅋ여러분내가거북이라쏘리ㅋ^^;;
(It’s not finished, I’m just slowㅋㅋ Everyone, I’m sorry I’m a turtleㅋ^^;
Sunny: @limff 힘내~
(Be strong~)
Sunny: @alobabm 눈에띄는대로마구마구최대한으로
(Whatever catches my eye, a lot a lot, trying the best)
Sunny: @seoung_sone 그마음만으로도너무고마워요^^나도솔직히가끔은연예인아녔으면더행복했을까?라고스스로한테질문해본적있어요..근데~무대설때나녹음할때또이런저런일상에서확실히느껴요!지금내가얻는성취감과감사함은내가갖지못한것들과바꿀수없는것같다.라고요..그리구~~나보면서일케좋아해주고행복해해주는사람들이있다는건.확실히감사하고행복한삶은살고있다는것같아요^^만족해요
(I’m grateful for the thought alone^^ To be honest, I sometimes ask myself: “Would I be happy if I wasn’t a celebrity?” But~ whenever I’m on stage, whenever I’m recording, or when this and that happens, I feel certain! I don’t think I would ever trade my achievements now, and the gratitude I feel, for things I am not able to have. And~~ the fact that there are people who like seeing me this much and are happy for me.. I think it shows that I live a happy life that I should be grateful for^^ I am satisfied.)
Sunny: @jubeater_v 야구!!가끔보죠~~^^
(Baseball!! I watch sometimes~~^^)
Sunny: @christie_cruz 레드벨벳도좋지만~ 난역시초코케익
(I do like red velvet~ But for me, it has to be choco cake)
Sunny: @sunny _db 라면…먹고갈래요?ㅋㅋ
(Ramen… Would you like some?ㅋㅋ
Sunny: @ytkgg 안되는건안되는거…ㅋㅋㅋ
(Some things just aren’t meant to be…ㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: @ich0115 고마워용~~^^
(Thank you~~^^)
Sunny: @wjdtjr1346 이정도가지고?!^^*
(For only this much?!^^*)
Sunny: 나는…해산물이랑견과류를별로안좋아하구~매운걸잘못먹지요..안그렇게생겨서가리는것도많아~그쵸?!^^;;그래서키가안큰겨ㅋㅋ
(I… don’t like seafood and nuts that much~ And can’t eat spicy foods well.. There are a lot of foods I don’t eat because I don’t like the look of them~right?!^^;; That’s why I didn’t grow tallㅋㅋ
Sunny: 규여기뜸
(Kyu is here)
Sunny: @famous0111 전고기의식감을중요시해서얇은고기를별로선호하지않긴개뿔주면다잘먹지
(“I think enjoying the flavor of the meat is important, so I can’t recommend thin slices” lies.. You eat everything you’re given)
Sunny: @jinsu0331 어뜨케알아찌?!천잰데?….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(How did you find out?! Are you a genius?….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: @gg4536 맥도날드얘기나와서..ㅋㅋ나쪼꼬맸을..아니그니까어렸을때ㅋ편식이엄청심해서밥을거의안먹고먹어도맥도날드해피밀만먹어뜸..지금은햄버거라면안가리고다좋아하긴하는데…ㅋㅋ편식하는어린이들내말잘듣긔~지금안먹으면위로안큰다..옆으로만큰다…
(Speaking of McDonald’s..ㅋㅋ When I used to be teeny tiny.. I mean when I was youngerㅋI wanted an unbalanced diet so I ate very little, and when I did, I only ate McDonald’s Happy Meals.. Nowadays, I do like every type of hamburger…ㅋㅋ Kids who reject food, listen carefully to me~ If you don’t eat now, you’re not going to grow upwards.. You’ll only grow sideways…)
Sunny: @doongie09 슬퍼하지마요~~질투하지도마요~~~우리지금다같이서로얘기하고있는건데뭐^^*
(Don’t be sad~~ Don’t be jealous either~~~ We’re all having a conversation together, right? ^^*)
Sunny: 짬뽕보단짜장면!!탕수육!!!유린기!!!!우걱우걱!!!!!!
(Black bean noodles over seafood hotpot!! Crispy shredded pork in sweet and sour sauce!!! Youlin chicken!!!! Nomnomnom!!!!!!)
(Translator’s note: Youlin chicken = 油淋鸡
Sunny: @twics0826 받아라얍
(Take it! Yap)
Sunny: @hcl_ss 슬퍼하지마노노노~혼자가아냐노노노~나초롱씨죠아..이뻐….*=_=*
(Don’t be sad nonono~ You’re not alone nonono~ I like Chorong-ssi.. Pretty….*=_=*)
Sunny: @tshimhwan 두둠칫깨지는뎅?!ㅋㅋ난원래다빨라여씻는거,짐싸는거,옷갈아입는거….훗!
(Badum tss! That was a turn off?!ㅋㅋ I’m usually fast at everything. Washing, packing, and changing… hoot!)
Sunny: 아…타자가느리구나….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Ah… typing is slow…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: Dear overseas fans~ sorry to chat in korean. You all know what’s my first language. Right?!^^;
Sunny: @_taedork 답장해주면지금잘까봐안해줄래메렁:p아이쿠야
(I’m afraid you’d sleep now if I answer, so I won’t answer you. Merong :p oops)
Sunny: @snsd_funny_pic 이런개그를하는데…친구가있다고?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ넝담ㅋㅋ
(You have friends… since when do you tell jokes like this?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ just kiddingㅋㅋ
Sunny: @yunjung970225 다만세시절?!?!안무가너무빡쉐서돌아가면안되…ㅋㅋㅋ돌아가고싶은때는데뷔전.더먹어서키클껄,더공부좀해둘껄..이런거?!…진부한가?^^;;;
(During the ‘Into The New World’ era?!?! We can’t go back because the choreography is too hard..ㅋㅋ The time I want to go back to is before debut. I should’ve eaten more and grown taller. I should’ve studied more.. something like that?! Is that too cliche?)
Sunny: 난컴퓨터를거의안해요!원래는인터넷을아예안하려고했었는데~그건무리더라고요^^;;ㅋ요즘은핸폰으로뉴스랑이것저것보는편!!…솔직히내이름도가끔검색해봄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(I rarely go on the computer. I tried not to go on the internet at all~ but that was too much^^;;ㅋ I just read and watch stuff like news on my phone these days!! Honestly, I sometimes search my own name ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: @tangblanc 피아노잘치고싶어요!글구바이올린도!!!이써니더쪼꼬맸던초딩시절에잠깐씩배웠었는데이건뭐꼴랑음악시간에만배운리코더보다도못함….ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(I want to be good at the piano! And a violin!!! This Sunny learned a few things during elementary years, but I’m bad [at piano and violin] compared to my skills with the recorder that I learned during music class…. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: @jkh1202777 나곤뉴리시사회에플랜카드랑확성기가져가려다제지당함.소리지르면주교보린데서조용~히헬멧쓰고점핑만하려다가그마저도제지당함…..곤뉴리철벽녀ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(I was restricted from taking a loudspeaker and placard to Kwon Yuri’s premiere. She said she’d kill me if I scream so I wanted to stay qui~et and only do jumping with a helmet, but I was restricted from that too…. Kwon Yuri, impenetrable girl ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Sunny: @leader_sj 거절한다
(I refuse)
Sunny: @gg4536 나나now you can see me잼께봤어요..올레티비로…티퐈니랑….또르르ㅋㅋ여진구찡예전에캐치미보러오셨었는데..사진도같이찍었는데..근데내껄로안찍었어또르르
(I, I enjoyed now you can see me ‘Now You Can See Me’.. using Olleh TV.. with Tiffany…. ddoreureu ㅋㅋ Yeo Jin Goo jjing came to watch ‘Catch Me’ before.. I took a picture with him.. but it wasn’t with my phone ddoreureu)
Translator’s note: “ddoreureu” is an onomatopoeia and “jjing” is a cute form of “ssi”, a term of respect
Sunny: @kimike_9 운동?..나씨름잘해여ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Sports?..I’m good at Ssireum (Korean wrestling on sand) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: @suhk94 주량이라….주변사람들보면타고나는것만도아닌듯?!체질상술이받고안받고는있어도주량은충분히그날그날컨디션과정신력,노력여하에따라달라지는듯!!아.참고로나주량많이약해짐^^;;원래도그닥아녔지만이젠진짜술규아녜요ㅋㅋ
(Tolerance… looking at people around me, it’s not just that you are born with it? It may depend on the person himself a bit, but it looks like it changes depending on the condition of that person, their mentality, and how much they try!! Oh, and my tolerance went down a lot^^;; It wasn’t that good to begin with, but now I REALLY am not Sul-kyu (alcohol-kyu)ㅋㅋ
Sunny: 아.참고로나는슬픈영화별로안좋아해요!모르고보면또보는데..대놓고멜로영화!감동대작!이런건..보면서울기싫어서꺼리는편이예요~그래서내추천은”밀리언달러베이비”잉?!ㅋㅋ
(Oh. And I don’t really like sad movies! If I don’t know it’s sad, then I’ll watch but… mellow movies! Or movie masterpieces! Movies like that, I try not to watch, because I don’t like to cry while watching~so my recommendation is ‘Million Dollar Baby’Ing?!ㅋㅋ
Sunny: @tangco9 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아미안ㅋㅋㅋㅋ호~ㅋㅋㅋ
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ oh, sorry ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ho~ㅋㅋㅋ
Translator’s note: “Ho” is the sound of blowing on a wound
Sunny: 수능생여러분!힘!내세여!!!!
(Students taking the SAT! Do well!!!!)
Translator’s note: The “수능” is the Korean equivalent of the SAT
Sunny: 파니랑뭐먹을지좀정할께요잠만타임!
(I have to decide what to eat with Tiffany. Time out!)
Sunny: 지금스케줄중간에시간떠서숙소서잉여잉여중ㅋㅋ
(I have some free time between schedules, so I am just wasting time at the dormsㅋㅋ
Sunny: 치느님을기다리는지금내가슴이통닭통닭
(My heart right now, waiting for chi-neunim, tong-dak tong-dak, kong-dak kong-dak)
Translator’s note: “chi-neunim” is a combination of “chicken” and “God”, “tong-dak” is “whole chicken”, and “kong-dak” is the sound of a heart beating
Sunny: 낼북경갈짐싸야되는데ㅠㅠ….비행기는오후여도아침부터스케줄있어서지금짐싸둬야되는데ㅠㅠ아아아아아귀차너!!!!
(I have to pack for Beijing tomorrowㅠㅠ…. Even though my flight is in the afternoon, I have a schedule in the morning, so I have to pack nowㅠㅠ ahhhhh it’s troublesome!!!!)
Sunny: 아참고로오늘은교촌시켰음.파니가좋아하는간장이랑~아까유린기얘기해서비슷한소이살살이랑
(Oh, for your information, I ordered kyochon today. With the soy sauce [chicken] that Fany likes~ Earlier, she mentioned youlinji, so a similar one with a little soy [sauce])
Sunny: 좋아요에비해월등한댓글수…내가얼마나많은글을놓친거죠~?^^;;미안염~~넘실망하지마여!!담에또할께요ㅋㅋ
(The big difference between the number of comments compared to likes… how many comments have I missed~?^^;; Sorry~~ don’t be so disappointed!! I’ll do it again next time ㅋㅋ
Sunny: @bn__805 짐싸줘요방청소해줘요옷장정리좀해줘요책상정리도부탁할께요다끝나면서랍장도한번만치워주세요고맙습니다
(Pack for me. Clean my room for me. Organize my closet for me. And I’ll ask that you organize my desk too. When you’re done, please clean up my dresser once too. Thank you)
Sunny: 아직안갔는뎅…;_;
(I didn’t leave yet…;_
Sunny: 낼아침부터라니까~~무슨맥주야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ심지어낼생방임케백수!본방사수하삼!!
(I said [schedules] start tomorrow morning~~ what are you talking about [saying] beerㅋㅋㅋㅋ What’s more, tomorrow’s a live broadcast! KBS! Watch the original broadcast!!)
Sunny: @nanini_ss 공항패션은편한게최고죠데이트가는것도아닌데~~~잠만내킬힐이어딨더라체인이왜4줄밖에안보이지?징밖힌장갑어따놨더라…
(Something comfortable is best for airport fashion. It’s not like you’re going on a date~~ Hold on, where are my kill heels. Why am I only seeing four chains? Where did I put my studded gloves…)
Sunny: 헐대박사건마봉춘였어?!출근잘못할뻔했네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Heol, daebak sageon. It was ma bong chun (MBC)?! I almost went to the wrong place for work ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: @noe0220sone 생강차가좋다는데난그냥꿀넣은레몬차!!그리고무조건따뜻하게하고쉬기!!!!는내가하고싶은거ㅠㅠㅋㅋ
(Ginger tea is nice, but I like lemon tea with honey!! And no matter what, it must be hot to be relaxing!!!! Is what I want to sayㅠㅠㅋㅋ
Sunny: 아직안갔오ㅋㅋ
(I haven’t left yet ㅋㅋ
Sunny: 오!치킨
(Oh! Chicken)
Sunny: 미안요~~파닭을처음접하는파니가쏘굿쏘굿을외치는통에ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Sorry~~Fany, who has discovered spring onion chicken for the first time, is shouting, ‘So good, so good’ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Sunny: 나가야되서먹느라바쁨ㅋㅋ
(Busy eating because we have to head out ㅋㅋ
Sunny: 오늘즐거웠어여??^^담에또놀자ㅋㅋㅋㅋ기승전치킨이라미안ㅠㅠ
(Was today fun??^^ Let’s play again next time ㅋㅋㅋㅋSorry the chicken is winning ㅋㅋ
Sunny: 다들감기조심하삼!!!!내가매운눈으로지켜보고있을테니..섭해하지말구^^ㅋㅋ
(Everybody, be careful of catching a cold!!!! I’ll be watching over you with sharp eyes.. don’t be scared^^ㅋㅋ
Sunny: 웅웅자주할께요ㅋㅋ나도잼썼음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Eung, eung, I’ll do it often ㅋㅋ It was fun for me to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Translator’s note: “Eung, eung” is “yes, yes”.
Sunny: 치킨보다사랑해이정도면내맘전달됐지??
(I love you more than chicken. If it’s this much, you’ll understand my feelings right??)
Sunny: 굿밤!!!!!! Good night & sweet dreams~
Sunny: @sonej805 집이어딘데
(Where do you live)
Sunny: @uaholic9 고기!!!!!!!!!!
Sunny: @hoi_yoon 공부하세요
(Please study)
Sunny: @jonji805 왕십리멀어…ㅠ
(Wangsimni is far…ㅠ

Sunny: @ohae721 문단속잘하긔~
(Remember to lock your doors and windows~)
Sunny: @dakgoon 성격더럽죠?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잇힝
(Bad attitude, right?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ehee)
Sunny: 너무빠르면안되ㅠ나휴대폰타자..느려요ㅠㅠ;;
(I can’t do it if it’s too fastㅠ My typing speed on the phone.. It’s slowㅠㅠ;

читать дальшеSunny: @hyunjung_0801 나도아직도못는걸요대학..^^학교가중요한게아니라뭘배우냐.뭘배우고싶냐가중요한거같아요..시간을번거라고생각해보쟈!같이더힘내보쟈!!홧팅
(I still haven’t done university either..^^ I don’t think the name of the place is important, but what you learn, and what you want to learn, is the most important.. Let’s think of it like we’ve earned ourselves more time! Let’s try harder together!! Hwaiting)
Sunny: @shot_js 나그거하면롤폐인될꺼같은디…
(If I do that… I might become a LoL addict…)
(Translator’s note: “LoL” is an online game called League of Legends)
Sunny: @hrong1234 전노래를안가리고막막들어서…아근데지금갑자기 Gravity 가듣고싶네용^^
(I don’t pick out songs and just listen to anything and everything… But suddenly I want to listen to Gravity ^^)
Sunny: @accored 보고싶어요?긴규??ㅋ
(Missed me? 긴규??ㅋㅋ

Sunny: @wlals0007 고기는다좋은데몇일전부터삼겹살땡김…아니정확히제주도흑돼지오겹살원츄…..크으~~!!!!!
(I like all kinds of meat, but the last few days, I’ve been wanting samgyupsal… No, if I’m being specific, Jeju-island black pork. Oh gyupsal, I want chu…..keu~~!!!!!)
Sunny: @sunnynight515 이걸붙잡고있으니까공부가안되지!!얼렁공부해요ㅋㅋ시험공부를열심히해야시험끝나고놀때맘편하지~^^
(You can’t study because you’re occupied with this!! Hurry and study ㅋㅋ You have to study hard for the exam so you can play afterwards without a heavy heart~^^)
Sunny: @s_udong 잡아오면먹어는주지~:p
(If you catch it and bring it for me, I will eat it for you~:p)
Sunny: @xxxleejinu 끝난게아니라느려서그래요ㅋㅋ여러분내가거북이라쏘리ㅋ^^;;
(It’s not finished, I’m just slowㅋㅋ Everyone, I’m sorry I’m a turtleㅋ^^;

Sunny: @limff 힘내~
(Be strong~)
Sunny: @alobabm 눈에띄는대로마구마구최대한으로
(Whatever catches my eye, a lot a lot, trying the best)
Sunny: @seoung_sone 그마음만으로도너무고마워요^^나도솔직히가끔은연예인아녔으면더행복했을까?라고스스로한테질문해본적있어요..근데~무대설때나녹음할때또이런저런일상에서확실히느껴요!지금내가얻는성취감과감사함은내가갖지못한것들과바꿀수없는것같다.라고요..그리구~~나보면서일케좋아해주고행복해해주는사람들이있다는건.확실히감사하고행복한삶은살고있다는것같아요^^만족해요
(I’m grateful for the thought alone^^ To be honest, I sometimes ask myself: “Would I be happy if I wasn’t a celebrity?” But~ whenever I’m on stage, whenever I’m recording, or when this and that happens, I feel certain! I don’t think I would ever trade my achievements now, and the gratitude I feel, for things I am not able to have. And~~ the fact that there are people who like seeing me this much and are happy for me.. I think it shows that I live a happy life that I should be grateful for^^ I am satisfied.)
Sunny: @jubeater_v 야구!!가끔보죠~~^^
(Baseball!! I watch sometimes~~^^)
Sunny: @christie_cruz 레드벨벳도좋지만~ 난역시초코케익
(I do like red velvet~ But for me, it has to be choco cake)
Sunny: @sunny _db 라면…먹고갈래요?ㅋㅋ
(Ramen… Would you like some?ㅋㅋ

Sunny: @ytkgg 안되는건안되는거…ㅋㅋㅋ
(Some things just aren’t meant to be…ㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: @ich0115 고마워용~~^^
(Thank you~~^^)
Sunny: @wjdtjr1346 이정도가지고?!^^*
(For only this much?!^^*)
Sunny: 나는…해산물이랑견과류를별로안좋아하구~매운걸잘못먹지요..안그렇게생겨서가리는것도많아~그쵸?!^^;;그래서키가안큰겨ㅋㅋ
(I… don’t like seafood and nuts that much~ And can’t eat spicy foods well.. There are a lot of foods I don’t eat because I don’t like the look of them~right?!^^;; That’s why I didn’t grow tallㅋㅋ

Sunny: 규여기뜸
(Kyu is here)
Sunny: @famous0111 전고기의식감을중요시해서얇은고기를별로선호하지않긴개뿔주면다잘먹지
(“I think enjoying the flavor of the meat is important, so I can’t recommend thin slices” lies.. You eat everything you’re given)
Sunny: @jinsu0331 어뜨케알아찌?!천잰데?….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(How did you find out?! Are you a genius?….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: @gg4536 맥도날드얘기나와서..ㅋㅋ나쪼꼬맸을..아니그니까어렸을때ㅋ편식이엄청심해서밥을거의안먹고먹어도맥도날드해피밀만먹어뜸..지금은햄버거라면안가리고다좋아하긴하는데…ㅋㅋ편식하는어린이들내말잘듣긔~지금안먹으면위로안큰다..옆으로만큰다…
(Speaking of McDonald’s..ㅋㅋ When I used to be teeny tiny.. I mean when I was youngerㅋI wanted an unbalanced diet so I ate very little, and when I did, I only ate McDonald’s Happy Meals.. Nowadays, I do like every type of hamburger…ㅋㅋ Kids who reject food, listen carefully to me~ If you don’t eat now, you’re not going to grow upwards.. You’ll only grow sideways…)
Sunny: @doongie09 슬퍼하지마요~~질투하지도마요~~~우리지금다같이서로얘기하고있는건데뭐^^*
(Don’t be sad~~ Don’t be jealous either~~~ We’re all having a conversation together, right? ^^*)
Sunny: 짬뽕보단짜장면!!탕수육!!!유린기!!!!우걱우걱!!!!!!
(Black bean noodles over seafood hotpot!! Crispy shredded pork in sweet and sour sauce!!! Youlin chicken!!!! Nomnomnom!!!!!!)
(Translator’s note: Youlin chicken = 油淋鸡

Sunny: @twics0826 받아라얍
(Take it! Yap)
Sunny: @hcl_ss 슬퍼하지마노노노~혼자가아냐노노노~나초롱씨죠아..이뻐….*=_=*
(Don’t be sad nonono~ You’re not alone nonono~ I like Chorong-ssi.. Pretty….*=_=*)
Sunny: @tshimhwan 두둠칫깨지는뎅?!ㅋㅋ난원래다빨라여씻는거,짐싸는거,옷갈아입는거….훗!
(Badum tss! That was a turn off?!ㅋㅋ I’m usually fast at everything. Washing, packing, and changing… hoot!)
Sunny: 아…타자가느리구나….ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Ah… typing is slow…ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: Dear overseas fans~ sorry to chat in korean. You all know what’s my first language. Right?!^^;
Sunny: @_taedork 답장해주면지금잘까봐안해줄래메렁:p아이쿠야
(I’m afraid you’d sleep now if I answer, so I won’t answer you. Merong :p oops)
Sunny: @snsd_funny_pic 이런개그를하는데…친구가있다고?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ넝담ㅋㅋ
(You have friends… since when do you tell jokes like this?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ just kiddingㅋㅋ

Sunny: @yunjung970225 다만세시절?!?!안무가너무빡쉐서돌아가면안되…ㅋㅋㅋ돌아가고싶은때는데뷔전.더먹어서키클껄,더공부좀해둘껄..이런거?!…진부한가?^^;;;
(During the ‘Into The New World’ era?!?! We can’t go back because the choreography is too hard..ㅋㅋ The time I want to go back to is before debut. I should’ve eaten more and grown taller. I should’ve studied more.. something like that?! Is that too cliche?)
Sunny: 난컴퓨터를거의안해요!원래는인터넷을아예안하려고했었는데~그건무리더라고요^^;;ㅋ요즘은핸폰으로뉴스랑이것저것보는편!!…솔직히내이름도가끔검색해봄ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(I rarely go on the computer. I tried not to go on the internet at all~ but that was too much^^;;ㅋ I just read and watch stuff like news on my phone these days!! Honestly, I sometimes search my own name ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: @tangblanc 피아노잘치고싶어요!글구바이올린도!!!이써니더쪼꼬맸던초딩시절에잠깐씩배웠었는데이건뭐꼴랑음악시간에만배운리코더보다도못함….ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(I want to be good at the piano! And a violin!!! This Sunny learned a few things during elementary years, but I’m bad [at piano and violin] compared to my skills with the recorder that I learned during music class…. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Sunny: @jkh1202777 나곤뉴리시사회에플랜카드랑확성기가져가려다제지당함.소리지르면주교보린데서조용~히헬멧쓰고점핑만하려다가그마저도제지당함…..곤뉴리철벽녀ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
(I was restricted from taking a loudspeaker and placard to Kwon Yuri’s premiere. She said she’d kill me if I scream so I wanted to stay qui~et and only do jumping with a helmet, but I was restricted from that too…. Kwon Yuri, impenetrable girl ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Sunny: @leader_sj 거절한다
(I refuse)
Sunny: @gg4536 나나now you can see me잼께봤어요..올레티비로…티퐈니랑….또르르ㅋㅋ여진구찡예전에캐치미보러오셨었는데..사진도같이찍었는데..근데내껄로안찍었어또르르
(I, I enjoyed now you can see me ‘Now You Can See Me’.. using Olleh TV.. with Tiffany…. ddoreureu ㅋㅋ Yeo Jin Goo jjing came to watch ‘Catch Me’ before.. I took a picture with him.. but it wasn’t with my phone ddoreureu)
Translator’s note: “ddoreureu” is an onomatopoeia and “jjing” is a cute form of “ssi”, a term of respect
Sunny: @kimike_9 운동?..나씨름잘해여ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Sports?..I’m good at Ssireum (Korean wrestling on sand) ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: @suhk94 주량이라….주변사람들보면타고나는것만도아닌듯?!체질상술이받고안받고는있어도주량은충분히그날그날컨디션과정신력,노력여하에따라달라지는듯!!아.참고로나주량많이약해짐^^;;원래도그닥아녔지만이젠진짜술규아녜요ㅋㅋ
(Tolerance… looking at people around me, it’s not just that you are born with it? It may depend on the person himself a bit, but it looks like it changes depending on the condition of that person, their mentality, and how much they try!! Oh, and my tolerance went down a lot^^;; It wasn’t that good to begin with, but now I REALLY am not Sul-kyu (alcohol-kyu)ㅋㅋ

Sunny: 아.참고로나는슬픈영화별로안좋아해요!모르고보면또보는데..대놓고멜로영화!감동대작!이런건..보면서울기싫어서꺼리는편이예요~그래서내추천은”밀리언달러베이비”잉?!ㅋㅋ
(Oh. And I don’t really like sad movies! If I don’t know it’s sad, then I’ll watch but… mellow movies! Or movie masterpieces! Movies like that, I try not to watch, because I don’t like to cry while watching~so my recommendation is ‘Million Dollar Baby’Ing?!ㅋㅋ

Sunny: @tangco9 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아미안ㅋㅋㅋㅋ호~ㅋㅋㅋ
(ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ oh, sorry ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ho~ㅋㅋㅋ

Translator’s note: “Ho” is the sound of blowing on a wound
Sunny: 수능생여러분!힘!내세여!!!!
(Students taking the SAT! Do well!!!!)
Translator’s note: The “수능” is the Korean equivalent of the SAT
Sunny: 파니랑뭐먹을지좀정할께요잠만타임!
(I have to decide what to eat with Tiffany. Time out!)
Sunny: 지금스케줄중간에시간떠서숙소서잉여잉여중ㅋㅋ
(I have some free time between schedules, so I am just wasting time at the dormsㅋㅋ

Sunny: 치느님을기다리는지금내가슴이통닭통닭
(My heart right now, waiting for chi-neunim, tong-dak tong-dak, kong-dak kong-dak)
Translator’s note: “chi-neunim” is a combination of “chicken” and “God”, “tong-dak” is “whole chicken”, and “kong-dak” is the sound of a heart beating
Sunny: 낼북경갈짐싸야되는데ㅠㅠ….비행기는오후여도아침부터스케줄있어서지금짐싸둬야되는데ㅠㅠ아아아아아귀차너!!!!
(I have to pack for Beijing tomorrowㅠㅠ…. Even though my flight is in the afternoon, I have a schedule in the morning, so I have to pack nowㅠㅠ ahhhhh it’s troublesome!!!!)
Sunny: 아참고로오늘은교촌시켰음.파니가좋아하는간장이랑~아까유린기얘기해서비슷한소이살살이랑
(Oh, for your information, I ordered kyochon today. With the soy sauce [chicken] that Fany likes~ Earlier, she mentioned youlinji, so a similar one with a little soy [sauce])
Sunny: 좋아요에비해월등한댓글수…내가얼마나많은글을놓친거죠~?^^;;미안염~~넘실망하지마여!!담에또할께요ㅋㅋ
(The big difference between the number of comments compared to likes… how many comments have I missed~?^^;; Sorry~~ don’t be so disappointed!! I’ll do it again next time ㅋㅋ

Sunny: @bn__805 짐싸줘요방청소해줘요옷장정리좀해줘요책상정리도부탁할께요다끝나면서랍장도한번만치워주세요고맙습니다
(Pack for me. Clean my room for me. Organize my closet for me. And I’ll ask that you organize my desk too. When you’re done, please clean up my dresser once too. Thank you)
Sunny: 아직안갔는뎅…;_;
(I didn’t leave yet…;_

Sunny: 낼아침부터라니까~~무슨맥주야ㅋㅋㅋㅋ심지어낼생방임케백수!본방사수하삼!!
(I said [schedules] start tomorrow morning~~ what are you talking about [saying] beerㅋㅋㅋㅋ What’s more, tomorrow’s a live broadcast! KBS! Watch the original broadcast!!)
Sunny: @nanini_ss 공항패션은편한게최고죠데이트가는것도아닌데~~~잠만내킬힐이어딨더라체인이왜4줄밖에안보이지?징밖힌장갑어따놨더라…
(Something comfortable is best for airport fashion. It’s not like you’re going on a date~~ Hold on, where are my kill heels. Why am I only seeing four chains? Where did I put my studded gloves…)
Sunny: 헐대박사건마봉춘였어?!출근잘못할뻔했네ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Heol, daebak sageon. It was ma bong chun (MBC)?! I almost went to the wrong place for work ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: @noe0220sone 생강차가좋다는데난그냥꿀넣은레몬차!!그리고무조건따뜻하게하고쉬기!!!!는내가하고싶은거ㅠㅠㅋㅋ
(Ginger tea is nice, but I like lemon tea with honey!! And no matter what, it must be hot to be relaxing!!!! Is what I want to sayㅠㅠㅋㅋ

Sunny: 아직안갔오ㅋㅋ
(I haven’t left yet ㅋㅋ

Sunny: 오!치킨
(Oh! Chicken)
Sunny: 미안요~~파닭을처음접하는파니가쏘굿쏘굿을외치는통에ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Sorry~~Fany, who has discovered spring onion chicken for the first time, is shouting, ‘So good, so good’ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Sunny: 나가야되서먹느라바쁨ㅋㅋ
(Busy eating because we have to head out ㅋㅋ

Sunny: 오늘즐거웠어여??^^담에또놀자ㅋㅋㅋㅋ기승전치킨이라미안ㅠㅠ
(Was today fun??^^ Let’s play again next time ㅋㅋㅋㅋSorry the chicken is winning ㅋㅋ

Sunny: 다들감기조심하삼!!!!내가매운눈으로지켜보고있을테니..섭해하지말구^^ㅋㅋ
(Everybody, be careful of catching a cold!!!! I’ll be watching over you with sharp eyes.. don’t be scared^^ㅋㅋ

Sunny: 웅웅자주할께요ㅋㅋ나도잼썼음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(Eung, eung, I’ll do it often ㅋㅋ It was fun for me to ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Translator’s note: “Eung, eung” is “yes, yes”.
Sunny: 치킨보다사랑해이정도면내맘전달됐지??
(I love you more than chicken. If it’s this much, you’ll understand my feelings right??)
Sunny: 굿밤!!!!!! Good night & sweet dreams~