After posting the above Instagram video on October 17th complaining of boredom, Sunny started a Q&A session with fans. Over a two and a half hour period, Sunny left 70 answers and comments regarding topics such as school and food.

Sunny: @sonej805 집이어딘데
(Where do you live)

Sunny: @uaholic9 고기!!!!!!!!!!

Sunny: @hoi_yoon 공부하세요
(Please study)

Sunny: @jonji805 왕십리멀어…ㅠ
(Wangsimni is far…ㅠ;)

Sunny: @ohae721 문단속잘하긔~
(Remember to lock your doors and windows~)

Sunny: @dakgoon 성격더럽죠?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잇힝
(Bad attitude, right?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ehee)

Sunny: 너무빠르면안되ㅠ나휴대폰타자..느려요ㅠㅠ;;
(I can’t do it if it’s too fastㅠ My typing speed on the phone.. It’s slowㅠㅠ;;)

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@темы: Sunny, Video, Instagram