Eider revealed behind-the-scenes footage of Yoona and Lee Minho’s photoshoot for the brand’s upcoming spring/summer collection. Both Yoona and Lee Minho are smiling brightly as they show off a variety of sporty outdoor gear.
THEFACESHOP recently shared a new photo of Seohyun, advertising a video event that the brand is hosting for its “Aura CC Cream” line of products. The brand will randomly select 30 individuals who have shared its “Aura CC Cream” video advertisement and send those winners the product as a reward.
Yakult’s official Facebook page revealed a new cover photo featuring Girls’ Generation for its “Diet LOOK” campaign. On the cover photo, the girls show off their their slim and amazing figures, catching any viewer’s attention.
DOUBLE-M recently uploaded a new photo of Sooyoung onto its official Facebook page. She looks stunning in both a chic “black” look and an innocent and pure “white” look.
Mamonde recently revealed a new advertisement for its BB Cream. In the commercial, Yuri shows off her bright complexion and Mamonde’s product in the midst of a cascade of pink flower petals.
American record producers Sean Garrett and Ricky Luna both recently tweeted photos of Girls’ Generation in a Seoul recording studio. Ricky’s tweet reads, “With #girlsgeneration Seoul Studios. We are working together on an album. #seangarret is a beast.”
Jessica, Tiffany, Hyoyeon, and Seohyun posted new photos and messages onto SONE PLUS+, Girls’ Generation’s Japanese fansite. In the first photo, Tiffany can be seen taking a selca. Her message read, “It’s been a while Hiroshima~★ It was a lot of fun! Let’s have a fun time tomorrow too! I snapped a commemorative photo for today~♪”. In the second picture, Jessica and Hyoyeon are seen with oranges from Hiroshima, while in the third, Seohyun poses cutely for the camera. Seohyun also included a message, saying, “Everyone’s voices were really loud and that got us really excited both days! ♪ I’m thankful for the fans for making such fun times. Let’s meet again~★”