Не в этот раз, увы! фанаты доказали, что пост был отфотошоплен и не имеет к Чанёлю никакого отношения. Ну что ж, повезет в другой разКнетизены нашли cyworld пост Чанёля, в котором, он говорит, что Soshi уродливы irl, кроме Тэ и Hoyeon (которая, как предполагают нетизены, была его девушкой)
Все негодуют, фанаты бросаются на амбразуру с выкриками: Oppa din't mean it! SNSD dgaf
сам пост"Ah ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I went to SM and met SNSD ㅋㅋㅋ
They were all bare faced so they were ugly
But Taeyeon looked hot.............
She's fu*king pretty
But not as pretty as Hoyeon"
Hoyeon is speculated to be his girlfriend at the time judging by his post history.
Fans claimed at first that it was photoshopped but netizens managed to find a thread made on an SM cafe that same year with several other caps of Chanyeol's post along with subsequent posts he made announcing that he was accepted as an SM trainee. You can find more caps of his mini-homepage at the source links above.реакция кнетизенов1. [+199, -116] Who is this nobody ba$tard from a nobody group
2. [+163, -16] I thought this had to be a joke at first...
3. [+111, -20] It's not photoshopped
4. [+72, -22] They're an idol group who looks more real while they're lip syncing than singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
5. [+70, -8] Any of the fans trying to shield this, realize that you're doing nothing but admitting you're a blind fan. Staying quiet is the only way to help EXO as a fan.
Aside from the obvious hate comments that a post like this will garner:
"Has this ever been in the media? I only found out now.. Maybe it's because they're under SM. Not one article about it ㅋㅋ"
"I just want SNSD to stop promoting EXO. I feel stabbed in the back."
"MAMA, save us MAMA. Our careers are about to go down the drain, MAMA."
"SNSD did so much to help promote them, mentioning them every chance they got, including them in everything for more screen exposure... This absolutely disgusts me."
"This has been around since EXO's debut. Fans decided that it would be best not for Chanyeol or SNSD to see it floating around so we all went around trying to erase any posts that mentioned it before anyone found out. We'd try to give Chanyeol a hint by using keywords like 'Chanyeol's so fu*king pretty^^' to remind him that although we're hiding it, to remember to be respectful from now on..."
"I want to shield them because EXO gets hated on enough as it is but I can't because Chanyeol is in the wrong here."
"I wonder how he much he judges his fans."
"ㅠㅠ I admit oppa's mistake, I sincerely apologize as an EXO fan. Please just don't hate him too much, I'll apologize on his behalf. I'm really sorry."
"It breaks my heart to see him have to go through this as a fan.. and personally, I don't feel that he's in that bad of a wrong since everyone holds these judgements in their head, but I do recognize that this is something Chanyeol needs to learn from.."
"I think we as fans need to hold back from shielding this... This must've really hurt SNSD and their fans, especially with all that they did to help promote them. I apologize on his behalf ㅠㅠ.."
"So long, nobodies."
"I went to their fan signing... Chanyeol, did you think that while looking at my face?ㅠㅠ"
"EXO, if this is true, let's just get through all this hate together and reflect to become better people!"
"Chanyeol probably never thought in his wildest dreams that SNSD would grow to be this big ㅋㅋ"
"There are a lot more issues with EXO that have not yet reached the surface aside from Chanyeol so I hope they take this as a lesson to clean up their act."
"Seems like Soo Man's too blinded by money to check up on the people he's debuting as his puppets."netizenbuzz
Girls Generation,