
@темы: Sooyoung, Video, Korea

Jessica Named Kindhearted Girl by “Evening News”

Sunny and Sooyoung Congratulate “Animal Farm” on Reaching 600 Episodes

Girls’ Generation Leaves Message for “Super Joint Concert”

banila co. Reveals New Advertisement Featuring Jessica

STONEHENgE Releases New Photo of Jessica

“Girls’ Generation EXPRESS” to Open February 7th

Girls’ Generation Holds “I Got A Boy” Fansign Events

Shin Hyunjoon Tweets Photo of Himself with Sooyoung

Travys Kim Tweets Photo of Himself with Sooyoung

Shin Jiho Tweets Photo of Himself with Seohyun

KoN Tweets Photos of Himself with Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, and Seohyun

New Sets of Pictures


@темы: Yuri, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Girls Generation, Video, Jessica, Twitter, Events, The Weekly News Wrap, Photos, I Got A Boy, AD, Korea

трепетная няша.

cr: FalseJSY @ twitter

@темы: Sunny, Taeyeon, Sooyoung, Yoona

трепетная няша.
2000th day and Triple Crown!! Thank you and I love you! ♥_♥
2000 days is..hoot.. just the start.. hoot.. compared to our love for each other hehe
Let's be together for 20,000 days and 200,000 days!!!
Right now it's Girls' Generation!

Note: hoot (훗;) in Korean is like "scoff"


@темы: Sooyoung, Message, Photos, Korea

трепетная няша.
#update Не в этот раз, увы! фанаты доказали, что пост был отфотошоплен и не имеет к Чанёлю никакого отношения. Ну что ж, повезет в другой раз

Кнетизены нашли cyworld пост Чанёля, в котором, он говорит, что Soshi уродливы irl, кроме Тэ и Hoyeon (которая, как предполагают нетизены, была его девушкой)
Все негодуют, фанаты бросаются на амбразуру с выкриками: Oppa din't mean it! SNSD dgaf

сам пост

реакция кнетизенов


@темы: Girls Generation, Exo

Girls’ Generation’s Sunny wishes Taeyeon would stop being depressed?

Girls’ Generation‘s Sunny expressed that she wishes fellow member Taeyeon would feel better.

On the latest ‘Radio Star‘, Taeyeon revealed that she got rid of stress by getting piercings. She said, “I used to get ear piercings, but I took them all out. I did both ears, and I had 6 piercings. [I got them] when I was a trainee. I get stressed from work, but I feel more tortured when we have no work and rest. I think I like it better when we’re so busy we can’t think.”

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Girls’ Generation asked about their changing looks on ‘Radio Star’

Girls’ Generation brought laughter as they did their best cooperating with one another to make sure they would not fall victim to the frank questions thrown at them by the ‘Radio Star‘ MCs.

As the show and the MCs are well known for being quite direct and aggressive with their questions, the girls worked together to steer the topic of discussion as the MCs brought up the subject about the girls looking different now than in their music video for “Dancing Queen“, which was shot 4 years ago.

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Kyuhyun chooses Seohyun as the member that’s closest to his ideal type in Girls’ Generation

Kyuhyun explained why Seohyun was the closest to his ideal type out of the Girls’ Generation members on ‘Radio Star‘.

On the show, the MCs asked the ladies of Girls’ Generation how long has it been since they debuted and the ladies answered about 5 or 6 years. The MC’s then asked, “Since it’s been about 5-6 years since Girls’ Generation debuted. By now, don’t you know how to date without getting caught?” Hyoyeon then quickly quipped, “We want to learn how from Kyuhyun oppa“. This caused Kyuhyun to get embarrassed and say, “Up until now, I have never dated.” The MC’s then asked the girls, “Since all the girls have gathered here, which member dated Kyuhyun?“. Jessica immediately pointed to Seohyun, and Hyoyeon said, “Did Kyuhyun make up the rumors?“.

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Sooyoung states she saw Won Bin at a restaurant before on ‘Radio Star’

Sooyoung talked about her scandal with Won Bin on the January 23rd installment of MBC‘ ‘Radio Star‘.

On the show, the MCs stated to Sooyoung, “When Girls’ Generation was invited to ‘Radio Star’, we thought Sooyoung wouldn’t be here, but you’re here. Are you mentally prepared?“, alluding to her scandal.

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cr: allkpop

@темы: Sunny, Taeyeon, Super Junior, Seohyun, Sooyoung, Girls Generation, I Got A Boy, TV show, Korea
