Girls' Generation's Jessica and f(x)'s Krystal, may possibly show more of their sisterly love through a reality program together.

According to one broadcasting rep on February 10, the sisters are discussing appearing on a reality program titled, 'Jung Sisters Project,' which would be broadcast on the TV network On Style. This would be the first time the two of them would be appearing on a reality program together.

On Style said in relation to this, "It is true that the relevant reality show is currently under discussion, but nothing has been decided as of yet," while SM Entertainment said, "Nothing has been confirmed."


@темы: f(x), Jessica, TV show, Korea


@темы: Taeyeon, Korea, Audio, SHINee


@темы: Sooyoung

On February 4th, Taeyeon posted a photo on her Instagram account with a caption telling fans about her feature in S.M. the Ballad’s new album. The caption reads, “I’m overflowing with emotions, thinking of letting you listen to a new song for the first time in a while. ‘Breath’ that I sang together with Jonghyun. And my first solo song that isn’t an OST, ‘Set me free’. Please look forward to it. I’ll see you next week”.

It has also been revealed that the Korean version of the “Breath” track will be released on February 10th and that “Set Me Free” will be released on February 12th through major online music portals in Korea. Finally, Taeyeon and Jonghyun will perform “Breath” on Mnet’s “M! Countdown” on February 13th.


@темы: News, Taeyeon, Korea, SHINee


[From. YOONA]: Thank You So Much

Thank you so much to everyone who watched ‘Prime Minister & I’ for 4 months
and supported Nam Dajung♡

It really doesn’t feel like this drama has ended.
Through this drama. I’m happy to have met such a good director and writers.
And great senior [actors].

Especially.. Me, who was lacking a lot.
I’m really grateful for the director and seniors who always taught and helped me.
I wanted to say thank you so much to our fans who consistently supported Nam Dajung Yoona^^
And viewers who watched♡

As expected, there were quite a number of things that I felt and gained through this work.
I will continue to work hard and become an improving and matured Yoona
So please support and watch over me!

Also, please give Girls’ Generation, who will be greeting you with a new appearance, lots of love♡
It’s late, but happy new year~^^
Thank you.


@темы: Yoona, Message, Photos, Korea

An SM Representative made an official response to the buzz surrounding Girls’ Generation‘s comeback.

The representative told Osen News that Girl’s Generation will be staying on schedule and making their comeback this month. Although it was recently announced that SM’s project group, SM the Ballad, will be releasing their album on February 13, the rep denied that this addition will alter Girls’ Generation’s comeback. Rumors of Girls’ Generation postponing their comeback most likely stemmed from the fact that Taeyeon is also a participant of SM the Ballad.

Girl’s Generation’s comeback date is still a secret, although it is guessed to happen in the latter half of the month. Although there was a slight delay during the filming of the music video, it seems that it will be finished in time for their February comeback.


@темы: News, Girls Generation, Korea

Screen Shot 2014-02-03 at 11.16.10 AM

Great news for SM fans as the agency announced the return of SM The Ballad, adding yet another strong comeback in the month of February. On February 3, SM sources spoke with My Daily and said, “SM The Ballad is planning to come back in February. They are currently in the last stages of preparation.”

SM The Ballad is a project group without fixed members but has a rotation of artists who specialize in vocals and have a strong presence in the ballad genre. The SM source added, “The members of the past will not be in the group but this time, members from Super Junior, Girls’ Generation, SHINee, f(x) and EXO will participate.”

Previously, SM The Ballad containing Super Junior’s Kyuhyun, SHINee’s Jonhgyun, Trax‘s Jay and Jino released “Miss You” in 2010.


@темы: News, Taeyeon, f(x), Super Junior, Girls Generation, EXO, Korea, SHINee


“It feels like there are a hundred bears on my shoulders.” Girls’ Generation’s Seohyun, who is appearing in her first musical, ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun’, expressed the burden cutely like this. The character Seohyun is playing in her first musical is the same character that Han Ga-in played in the drama ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun’, Yeonwoo. She’s a character that gets caught up in political conflicts in the royal palace, isn’t able to fulfill her love with the crown prince, Hwon, and becomes a female shaman after losing her memory. Seohyun, who goes through her thoughtsa hundred times a day in order to create her own kind of Yeonwoo, has big and distinct dreams for musicals. Having just made her first step, we are quietly watching over her.

PlayDB: How did you get to appear in ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun’? I feel like you would have gotten musical offers in the past too.

Seohyun: I honestly really wanted to be in a musical for a long time. There were offers, but I didn’t want to jump into it when I wasn’t prepared. So I carefully chose it, and I really wanted to take part in this work. I really like historical dramas. It was to the point where the only dramas I watched were historical ones when I was little. I really enjoyed watching the drama and reading the book for ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun’, so I was able to accept the musical offer with a very happy feeling.

PlayDB: Not too long ago, you watched ‘Wicked’. Because it’s a performance you watched with your appearance in a musical coming up, it must have felt different.

Seohyun: I think I’ve watched all the musicals [Ock] Joohyun unnie appeared in thus far, without missing any. I got the dream of wanting to be in a musical watching her. She’s really good. Whenever I see her performance, I always get goosebumps, and wonder, ‘Will she be able to do better than this next time?’ but she does well again. I admire her, and I really get stimulated.

PlayDB: What aspect of musicals appealed to you?

Seohyun: First of all, because I like music so much, I also like singing, and I really wanted to try acting. Vividly unfolding a work with a combination of singing and acting, not through a screen but in front of an audience, was really appealing. Until now, I’ve always watched performances as a member of the audience. I think I dreamed about this by imagining how much more heart-touching it would be standing on stage myself.

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@темы: Seohyun, Musical, Photos, Korea, Interview


@темы: Video, Jessica, Korea


On January 28th, Yuri posted a photo on her Instagram account and began a question and answer session with fans. Her comments and answers to fan questions with translations are seen below.

Yuri: 웅 지금도 누워있어
(Yeah, I’m laying down right now too)

Yuri: 잠이 안와 .. 러스트앤본 보구이썽
(I’m not sleepy .. I’m watching ‘Rust and Bone’)

Yuri: 마리옹꼬띠아르 …. 제일제일 조아해요
(Marion Cotillard …. I like her the most)

Yuri: 저폰게임 안해여 기계치 …@
(I don’t play cell phone games gi-ge-chi …@)

Translator’s note: “gi-ge-chi” refers to being bad with technology or gadgets.

Yuri: 최근에본 영화.. 겨울왕국포디 훗 .수상한스녀.피끓는청춘.더울프오브월스트리트.러브레이스.용의자.홀리모터스.노인을위한나라는없다.디센던트.버레스크.실버라이닝플레이북.마릴린먼로와함께한일주일.달콤한인생.우리도사랑일까 본거같애엉
(Movies I’ve watched recently.. ‘Frozen’ in 4D, hoot. ‘Miss Granny’. ‘Hot Young Bloods’. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. ‘Lovelace’. ‘The Suspect’. ‘Holy Motors’. ‘No Country for Old Men’. ‘The Descendants’. ‘Burlesque’. ‘Silver Linings Playbook’. ‘My Week with Marilyn’. ‘A Bittersweet Life’. ‘Take This Waltz’. I think I watched those)



@темы: Yuri, Instagram, Photos


Seohyun will be getting on stage not as a Girls’ Generation member, but as Yeonwoo of ‘Moon That Embraces the Sun’. In reality, there seemed to be a lot of similarities between Seohyun and Yeonwoo. First of all, she is beautiful and innocent like Hwon and Yangmyung’s first love, Yeonwoo. Recalling the first love anyone dreams of, seeing Seohyun appear wearing a fluttering white one-piece, is a natural phenomenon. Also, like Yeonwoo, who is finding her love again by overcoming numerous hardships, Seohyun carries a gentle appearance, but is strong in spirit. She looks weak on the outside, like she would break easily. But her eyes that unravel her thoughts and dreams, are firm.

One Step Closer to the Stage

The Musical: You’re finally debuting in a musical. How does it feel thinking of your first stage?
Seohyun: My heart is beating and fluttering. I want that day to hurry up and come. But it’s also really burdensome. It’s part nervousness, part fluttering of my heart, and part anticipation (laughs).

The Musical: I assume Girls’ Generation members who have experienced the musical stage before gave you various tips for your first performance.
Seohyun: They really believed in me. They told me to be confident. Participate in practices as much as possible. They always send me messages of support. Rather than giving me special advice like a teacher, they become a great source of strength next to me.

The Musical: When did you decide that you should do a musical?
Seohyun: I got the dream watching [Ock] Joohyun unnie’s performance. I watched every musical she was in, not missing a single one. I gradually set my mind on wanting to be in a musical like that.

The Musical: What work was especially memorable?
Seohyun: ‘42nd Street’. The role of Peggy Sawyer was quite appealing. I really want to be in this work one day. So after seeing the performance, as a future promise [to appear in the musical], I learned to tap dance. During a concert, I created a stage similar to the musical and showed off my tap dancing.

The Musical: I’m looking forward to your Peggy. What other role do you want to play?
Seohyun: Glinda from ‘Wicked’! I really enjoyed ‘Wicked’. I watched it in New York, and I also watched the performance in Korea. But I liked Joohyun and [Jung] Sunah unnie’s performances the most. If it weren’t for those two, it’s a character that I could have never even imagined. They were over 100% in sync with the characters. Every time I see Joohyun unnie’s performances, I get a lump in my throat and gain a great amount of strength. Of course, her role of Elphaba was also great and I did want to play it, but Glinda was quite lovable. Of the two, it’s the character that I could express a bit better. I’ve set the goal to try playing it within the next ten years.

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@темы: Seohyun, Musical, Korea, Interview


@темы: Tiffany, Video, TV show, Korea


On January 31st, Sunny posted a photo of herself with Seohyun on her Instagram account to wish fans a happy Lunar New Year. The caption on Sunny’s photo reads, “Happy new year~~~ #mangnaeandmaknae… owㅡ. our maknae our maknae our maknae!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR~!!”

Shortly afterwards, Sunny posted another photo on her Instagram, this time of food, and began another chat session with fans. The caption on this photo read, “Exciting your appetite. I won’t gain weight alone. Let’s gain weight together. Eat a late night snack. Eat it twice. Eh-heh-ra-di-ya~~!!!!! (Translator’s note: this is a sound made when in a good mood) Happy new year~!!! #dehet Please help yourself. Haha!!” Sunny’s replies can be seen below with translations of her Korean comments in Italiacs.

Sunny: 단언컨데.후라이드계의최고봉은.엉터리치킨입니다
(The best of fried chicken is. Eongteori chicken)

Sunny: 아.엉터리통닭..ㅋㅋㅋ
(Ah. Eongteori Tongdak.. ㅋㅋㅋ;)

Translator’s note: “Tongdak” means “chicken”. This is the name of a restaurant.

Sunny: 궁금할까봐
(In case you were curious)

Sunny: 엉터리통닭.요즘나의최고사랑.
(Eongteori Tongdak. My greatest love lately.)

Sunny: 배달앙대여.포장은가능합니다손님.
(I can’t deliver. I can wrap it up for you though, customer.)

Sunny: 누가내가먹어도날씬하대!!!!
(Who said I’m skinny even after eating!!!!)



@темы: Sunny, Seohyun, Tiffany, Instagram, Photos, Korea


@темы: Tiffany, TV show, Korea

In the early morning of January 25th, Taeyeon posted the photo on her Instagram account and chatted with fans for a little bit before heading off to sleep. The caption of her picture reads, “I miss you my baby my baby”. Her comments and answers, as well as the translations (in italics) of the replies written in Korean can be found below.

Taeyeon: 뭐다들 이렇게 일찍자 내일 쉬는날아니에요? 불금에 뭐하는거야
(Why are you all sleeping so early. Don’t you have tomorrow off? What are you doing on a Hot Friday)

Translator’s note: “Hot Friday” is similar to the common saying, “Thank God It’s Friday”.

Taeyeon: 어바웃타임안봤어요/청승떨며 음악들어요 노을-그리워그리워/눈썹가방에있다어쩔래
(I haven’t seen ‘About Time’/I’m acting miserable listening to music, Noel – ‘I Miss You’/My eyebrows are in my bag, what are you going to do about it)

Editor’s note: “About Time” is a recent movie.

Taeyeon: 프로즌봤죠/밝기9아니고 자연광이야멍츙아^^/지금옆에아무도없어/눈썹타투는얼어죽을/프린스가날싫어하는게아니라미치도록좋아하는거임 외사랑/별그대안봐요
(I’ve seen ‘Frozen’/The brightness isn’t at 9, it’s natural light you dummy^^/Nobody’s next to me right now/Eyebrow tattoos, yeah right/Prince doesn’t dislike me, but I like him like crazy. One-sided love/I don’t watch ‘You Who Came From the Stars’)

Editor’s note: “Frozen” is a recent movie. The “brightness” she’s referring to is her phone camera settings. “You Who Came From the Stars” is a drama that’s currently ongoing.

Taeyeon: 프린스가좋아요진져가좋아요???????/렛잇고재미없어 곧내노래들려줄게여/긴거가아니고진져/보통탱시전후로자요/아직도키드립이니누구야너
(Do you like Prince or Ginger???????/’Let It Go’ is boring. I’ll let you hear my song soon/It’s not Gingeo, but Ginger/I usually sleep before or after Taeng o’clock/Are you still talking about height. Who are you)



@темы: Taeyeon, Instagram


Being one of the most prestigious design awards around the globe, ‘iF Design Awards 2014’ gave out four of its awards to SM Entertainment’s product designs.

According to SM Entertainment on January 23, EXO’s album XOXO and Girl’s Generation (SNSD)’s The Boys and I Got a Boy won packaging design awards, while EXO’s BI (Brand Identity) design won an award under the communication design category.

This was the first time that a Korean entertainment agency won awards for its BI and album package designs from ‘iF Design Awards,’ proving the competitiveness of SM’s design contents around the globe.

Meanwhile, ‘iF Design Awards 2014,’ hosted by International Forum Design, selects its winners based on the design, completeness, innovativeness and brand value.


@темы: News, Girls Generation, I Got A Boy
