суббота, 19 октября 2013
@GirlsGeneration made a surprise visit to cheer for #SHINee! #EVERYBODY


On October 16, Jessica held an impromptu question and answer session through her Weibo account, replying to questions sent to her regarding food and music. Check out the answers that she left below, along with the translations (in italics) of the replies written in Korean.
Jessica: 메에에에에에롱
Jessica: 나랑 놀사람??? 여기여기붙어랏! 심심하단말이얌…
(Who wants to play with me??? Gather over here, here! I’m telling you, I’m bored…)
Jessica: 질문 답변 타임 갖쟈우리!!!
(Question and answer time, let’s go!!!)
Jessica: Question&answer starts now!
Jessica: 난 백만년만에 런닝머신에서 걷고잇음.. 뛰진못하고 걸어여..ㅋㅋㅋ
(After a million years, I’m walking on the treadmill.. I can’t run, so I’m walking.. kekeke)
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“Tadaa! A cut with my very generous father!! Haha. Real goodbye to Yurim~~”
After posting the above Instagram video on October 17th complaining of boredom, Sunny started a Q&A session with fans. Over a two and a half hour period, Sunny left 70 answers and comments regarding topics such as school and food.
Sunny: @sonej805 집이어딘데
(Where do you live)
Sunny: @uaholic9 고기!!!!!!!!!!
Sunny: @hoi_yoon 공부하세요
(Please study)
Sunny: @jonji805 왕십리멀어…ㅠ
(Wangsimni is far…ㅠ
Sunny: @ohae721 문단속잘하긔~
(Remember to lock your doors and windows~)
Sunny: @dakgoon 성격더럽죠?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잇힝
(Bad attitude, right?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ehee)
Sunny: 너무빠르면안되ㅠ나휴대폰타자..느려요ㅠㅠ;;
(I can’t do it if it’s too fastㅠ My typing speed on the phone.. It’s slowㅠㅠ;
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Sunny: @sonej805 집이어딘데
(Where do you live)
Sunny: @uaholic9 고기!!!!!!!!!!
Sunny: @hoi_yoon 공부하세요
(Please study)
Sunny: @jonji805 왕십리멀어…ㅠ
(Wangsimni is far…ㅠ

Sunny: @ohae721 문단속잘하긔~
(Remember to lock your doors and windows~)
Sunny: @dakgoon 성격더럽죠?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ잇힝
(Bad attitude, right?!ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ ehee)
Sunny: 너무빠르면안되ㅠ나휴대폰타자..느려요ㅠㅠ;;
(I can’t do it if it’s too fastㅠ My typing speed on the phone.. It’s slowㅠㅠ;

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среда, 16 октября 2013
GirlsGeneration Tiffany with Tom Hiddleston! Meet their story on "Mnet Wide Entertainment News" on Oct 18th.
GirlsGeneration Tiffany with Tom Hiddleston(@twhiddleston)!

GirlsGeneration Tiffany with Tom Hiddleston! Meet their story on "Mnet Wide Entertainment News" on Oct 18th.
GirlsGeneration Tiffany with Tom Hiddleston(@twhiddleston)!

I met the lovely Tiffany from Girls' Generation yesterday & she showed me around Seoul.

I met the lovely Tiffany from Girls' Generation yesterday & she showed me around Seoul.

понедельник, 14 октября 2013

On October 15th, Tiffany will record an appearance with Tom Hiddleston, an English actor known for several roles, including Loki in Marvel Universe films “Thor” and “The Avengers”. The variety show will feature a “Seoul vacation” concept in which Tiffany will act as a reporter for Mnet’s “Wide Celebrity News” and introduce the actor to landmarks in downtown Seoul. However, there is a chance the episode’s concept may change due to inclement weather. The broadcast date for the episode has not yet been determined.
This is the second time that Girls’ Generation’s resident English speaker has recently been called on to record a show with a foreign celebrity, after interviewing Brad Pitt on “Midnight TV Entertainment” in June of this year.

[From. SEOHYUN]: Yurim.. Good-Bye..
Yurim has left, but I’m living well like this, so don’t worry so much!!ㅎㅎ
Through this drama, I really feel like I was able to do various kinds of acting~!
While acting, I learned quite a lot and felt a lot of things~!
Thank you for loving Yurim in the meantime!^^
Starting now, in order to show you all a more-developed me, I will work a little harder~!
I was really happy while living as Yurim~^^
Bad senior, Moon-do.. I am going to follow you around for the rest of your life!!ㅋㅋ
воскресенье, 13 октября 2013
Recently, the trailer for Yuri’s upcoming movie, “No Breathing”, was revealed. Yuri will play the lead female role, “Jung Eun”, who aspires to become a musician. Other teasers had been revealed since filming began in May, including Yuri’s Girls’ Generation Offical Website update, which showed her practicing guitar in preparation for the movie. In September, Yuri attended a production briefing for “No Breathing”, where she and her co-stars answered more questions about the film.
In the second video, Yuri cheers on those taking college entrance exams. The clip ends with the trailer for “No Breathing”. She and her co-stars also made a quick appearance in a third video, which was followed by the trailer as well.
In the second video, Yuri cheers on those taking college entrance exams. The clip ends with the trailer for “No Breathing”. She and her co-stars also made a quick appearance in a third video, which was followed by the trailer as well.

[From. SEOHYUN]: This Is Yurim!^^
Everyone~ Are you having a good time watching ‘Passionate Love’??
It’s almost time to say good-bye to Yurim already..
I don’t want to say good-bye! Wahhh
This is my first time, so I am very much lacking, but I’m excited and enjoying it because there is a lot to learn~!ㅎ
I hope you can cheer me on until the last episode next week!!
Everyone.. Bye^^
вторник, 08 октября 2013

On October 2nd, Girls’ Generation earned an award at the Japan Jeans Conference Sponsorship. Fans were able to vote for who they thought were the “people who look good in jeans”. The girls were recognized in the international category along with several other nominees. Other award winners include Arashi and Ken Watanabe.
Girls’ Generation’s latest Japanese music video, “GALAXY SUPERNOVA“, features the girls’ endorsement of the fashion brand Samantha Thavasa. Appropriately, the members were sporting the jeans from the music video as they accepted their most recent award.
On October 7th, Jessica traveled to Macau to attend the 10th Huading Awards held at the Venetian Macao Hotel and Resort. One of the most influential award events in Asia, the 10th Huading Awards was attended by actors, directors, musicians, and more from around the world, including Jackie Chan, Raymond Lam, Quentin Tarantino, and Avril Lavigne.
Jessica arrived at the red carpet in a beautiful white dress and spoke briefly in an interview where she thanked organizers for inviting her to the event.
During the ceremony, Girls’ Generation was awarded the “Best Global Idol Group” award. Jessica accepted on Girls’ Generation’s behalf, saying that the other members of Girls’ Generation sent their regards. She also showed her appreciation to fans in the audience for attending the event and ended her speech by saying “thank you” in both Korean and Mandarin.
Jessica arrived at the red carpet in a beautiful white dress and spoke briefly in an interview where she thanked organizers for inviting her to the event.
During the ceremony, Girls’ Generation was awarded the “Best Global Idol Group” award. Jessica accepted on Girls’ Generation’s behalf, saying that the other members of Girls’ Generation sent their regards. She also showed her appreciation to fans in the audience for attending the event and ended her speech by saying “thank you” in both Korean and Mandarin.
понедельник, 07 октября 2013