
On January 28th, Yuri posted a photo on her Instagram account and began a question and answer session with fans. Her comments and answers to fan questions with translations are seen below.

Yuri: 웅 지금도 누워있어
(Yeah, I’m laying down right now too)

Yuri: 잠이 안와 .. 러스트앤본 보구이썽
(I’m not sleepy .. I’m watching ‘Rust and Bone’)

Yuri: 마리옹꼬띠아르 …. 제일제일 조아해요
(Marion Cotillard …. I like her the most)

Yuri: 저폰게임 안해여 기계치 …@
(I don’t play cell phone games gi-ge-chi …@)

Translator’s note: “gi-ge-chi” refers to being bad with technology or gadgets.

Yuri: 최근에본 영화.. 겨울왕국포디 훗 .수상한스녀.피끓는청춘.더울프오브월스트리트.러브레이스.용의자.홀리모터스.노인을위한나라는없다.디센던트.버레스크.실버라이닝플레이북.마릴린먼로와함께한일주일.달콤한인생.우리도사랑일까 본거같애엉
(Movies I’ve watched recently.. ‘Frozen’ in 4D, hoot. ‘Miss Granny’. ‘Hot Young Bloods’. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. ‘Lovelace’. ‘The Suspect’. ‘Holy Motors’. ‘No Country for Old Men’. ‘The Descendants’. ‘Burlesque’. ‘Silver Linings Playbook’. ‘My Week with Marilyn’. ‘A Bittersweet Life’. ‘Take This Waltz’. I think I watched those)



@темы: Yuri, Instagram, Photos