Eider released a new CF featuring Yoona. Similar to the other commercials that have been released in the last month, this advertisement shows Yoona, decked out in Eider gear, running across various landscapes.
Mamonde released two new videos featuring Yuri for its product, “First Energy Serum”. In the first clip, Yuri’s radiant skin shines as she applies the product to her face and asks, “Have you tried ‘First Energy Serum’?” The second video gives a behind-the-scenes look at Yuri’s shoot with Mamonde as she talks about her own skincare tips and fondness for Mamonde’s products.
THEFACESHOP’s official Facebook page recently revealed a new picture of Seohyun. This picture shows a side-by-side comparison of Seohyun using two types of THEFACESHOP’s “FACEit MAXX’ EYE MASCARA”.
Sunny, Hyoyeon, and Yoona recently posted new photos on SONE PLUS+. The first photo shows Sunny posing cutely for the camera, while Hyoyeon and Yoona eat delicious snacks in the second picture. Hyoyeon and Seohyun also uploaded greetings for SONEs onto the website. Hyoyeon’s message was short and sweet, expressing how much fun she had performing in Saitama for the sixth time. Meanwhile, Seohyun talked about her sadness over Girls’ Generation’s already-completed second Japanese arena tour concert dates but also her excitement for the rest on their schedule.
Yuri’s yoga instructor recently appeared on an episode of KBS2′s “1 vs. 100″. At one point in the show, the MC asked her which celebrity student she was most proud of. She replied, “Girls’ Generation’s Yuri.”