comments1. Nerrrdddd want to be like Ednaaaa~~ nerddddd
2. edna. my hero
3. Did for my mom...>_< did for my mom did for my mom did for my mom!!
mom said. ssoooo I also did this for my mom!! Present ^_^*
*Note: In Japanese, there are quite a few ways to express "giving" or "receiving" something and which one to use depends on the situation, whether you're on the giving or receiving end and whether the other person is a family member. She is just correcting herself.
4. morninggggg! Yesterday night, I tried doing this by myself >_< Lately, I think simple ones are better ♥
5. my mom's nail Hand model mom! This is the present I did for my mom ♥
6. Seohyeon.Yuri.Tiffany.Taeyeon/ It's hurricane ganji Yuri unnie >_<
7. Kyaa! Hurricane ganji Yuri unnie>_< Rocckkkkk
[Photo] Taeyeon's Instagram updates
| четверг, 28 марта 2013