Everyone~ How have you been?
Did you end 2012 well?ㅋ
Thanks to you, I ended my day well^^
It's finally 2013~ Did you eat rice cake soup?ㅋ
Personally, I was waiting for the new year to hurry and come
hoping for more good things to happen.
I'm happy starting the year at the same time as our album heh
Though it really seems like it would split into either like or dislike, it's a new side of us,
so I think we will have to work harder~ It's really a mental breakdown*… Hehe
Happy new year~ And also always take care of your health, and be careful of the icy roads~
SONE. Let's start running starting tomorrow!! Fighting keke
*Note: This is part of Yoona's lyrics in I Got a Boy (멘붕/menboong/mental breakdown)